Thursday 7 May 2009

Week 8:

With week 8 I began weight painting the new model, which this time proved much easier and finally worked, allowing animation to finally begin! The texture Harry completed was added…


…And I began immediately…
…and found a bug…

The texture was deforming whenever I tried to move the model around. Mentioning this to Harry, who had much more experience than myself in modelling in Maya, he said he’d take a look and get back to me. While he was doing so, I continued to work on the asset list (which people had felt did not contain enough information, and so looked to deepen) for the project and on some of the other coursework due in around that time. As I finished these he had found the issue, which was my not delete the history of the model. I had stopped doing this as I had found deleting the history of a weighted model would wipe the weighting, meaning the modeller would need to start over. Harry however managed to find a way around this and fixed the bug, allowing me to continue the animating.


An example of the animations being made with the model.

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